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phone 403.861.0164 ccpsychologist@proton.me
Understanding the Impact of Pornography on your Brain
ASAPScience recently posted a video explaining the science of pornography addiction. They argue that pornography use has profound consequences on the brain and can lead to a loss of control similar to chemical addictions. They point out that while there can be neuroplastic changes in the brain with heavy porn use, it doesn’t have to be permanent. If you are unhappy with the impact porn has on your life, there are things you can do:
- Learn about the brain and understand the addictive pulls to use porn.
- Develop new habits and ways of handling boredom, emotions, and stress.
- Develop your self awareness so you can handle triggers in a way that is more in line with your values/goals.
- For some people it can be helpful to connect with a 12 step program like Sex Addiction Anonymous.
If you are concerned about your porn use and/or your partner’s use, I can help. I am a Certified Sex Addition Therapist Candidate (CSAT-Candidate).
Watch ASAPScience’s video here.